September 20, 2023
Acute and Emergency Conditions
September 20, 2023

Pain Management Through a Homeopathic Approach

Pain as a symptom, i.e., a complex unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with tissue damage/injury, is successfully treated with homeopathic remedies. According to homeopathic doctrine, in chronic conditions, these remedies must be tailored to the individual patient, while in cases of severe acute trauma, multiple individuals may react to the same indicated homeopathic remedy.

While it is relatively known that contemporary healthcare guidelines for pain control include complementary alternative approaches such as acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine, it is less known that there is a wide range of well-known and safe homeopathic remedies that are very successful in addressing various types of acute and chronic pain. Here, we will briefly discuss some of these conditions.

Arnica montana, widely used as a homeopathic remedy, is effective in treating pain in various inflammatory conditions and postoperative recovery. Numerous studies have shown that Arnica montana is more effective than a placebo in treating post-traumatic and postoperative pain, edema, and ecchymosis (bruising). Arnica montana significantly accelerates recovery when applied orally or sublingually in cases of head trauma, including concussions, bruising of periorbital tissues, postoperative traumas with bruising and edema, bruising from childbirth (can be given to the mother and/or the child), after dental procedures and tooth extractions, bruising of extremities, painful muscles after overexertion, blunt injuries, fractures, sprains and strains of muscles and ligaments, and other traumatic and acute conditions. Arnica montana can also be tried in cases where an old bruise has never fully healed. Arnica is by far the most well-known homeopathic remedy to the general population and rightfully called the "homeopathic queen of trauma." For more information and academic articles on this essential homeopathic remedy, which should indeed be an integral part of every individual and household's first aid kit, readers are directed to the Homeopathy Research Institute website, where a simple search for Arnica provides a list of articles from past and current research on the effects of homeopathic preparations of Arnica montana.

Furthermore, homeopathic preparations of marigold and marigold mother tinctures (Latin, Calendula officinalis) assist in wound healing, preventing scar formation and infection, and reducing pain. A study published in 2004 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology showed that Calendula officinalis reduced pain from radiation-induced dermatitis in breast cancer patients and helped heal the dermatitis.

Other homeopathic remedies that are of great help in addressing pain, including neurogenic pain and faster wound healing, are homeopathic potencies of St. John’s wort (Latin , Hypericum perforatum). If there is nerve pain, such as shooting pain along the nerve, or pain resembling an electric shock or needle-like pricking, or numbness extending to nerve damage, spinal injuries, headaches after epidural or spinal puncture, homeopathic preparations of Hypericum perforatum in potencies from C30 to C200 can significantly help.

Homeopathic preparations of Phosphorus can help address drowsiness, disorientation, or nausea after anesthesia or in case of excessive bleeding, e.g., after tooth extraction.

Many other specific painful conditions and their palliative short-term pain management require differential diagnostics between 5-20 well-known homeopathic remedies historically known for clinical effectiveness for these conditions. These include back pain, musculoskeletal pain, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, pain during and after childbirth, pain due to endometriosis, painful and stiff joints, painful and swollen hemorrhoids, pain due to fractures, and faster healing of fracture cracks, conditions related to dental work, aesthetic surgeries, etc.: Ruta graveolens, Rhus toxicodendron, Arnica montana, Hypericum perforatum, Calendula officinalis, Phosphorus, Bryonia alba, Ledum palustre, Symphytum officinale, Atropa belladonna, Aconitum napellus, Chamomilla matricaria, Caulophyllum talictroides, Cimicifuga racemosa, Hepar sulfuris, Acidum silicicum, Kalium carbonicum, Strychnos nux vomica, Calcium phosphoricum, Coffea cruda, Mercurius solubilis, Sanguinaria canadensis, Spigelia anthelmia, Delphinum staphisagria, Paeonia officinalis, Hamamelis virginiana, and many others. It is emphasized that the order of the listed homeopathic remedies is not specifically associated with the previously mentioned painful conditions and is not intended as advice for (self) treatment but solely for general information and awareness of the existence of homeopathic remedies with proven clinical success in addressing various types of painful conditions. If homeopathic remedies are to be applied as a method of self-help, readers are directed to some of the quality homeopathic self-help manuals. For professional homeopathic pain treatment, consult an experienced homeopathic physician. In cases where patients are already receiving conventional therapy, homeopathy is introduced as an additional treatment method and is entirely safe for simultaneous use.

Instead of a conclusion, readers are directed to the results of the well-known EPI3-MSD study published in the Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Journal in 2012 on the effects of homeopathic remedies in patients with musculoskeletal pain in France. General practitioners included homeopathic remedies in their treatment, and it was found that patients received fewer opioids and half the amount of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for musculoskeletal disorders. They also showed better results in terms of pain reduction and quality of life. Furthermore, there is evidence suggesting that homeopathy may act faster than conventional pain medications or reduce the need for them without the risk of developing dependence or withdrawal symptoms after discontinuation. With its effective approach to addressing various forms of pain, homeopathy can significantly contribute to reducing polypharmacy and all its negative consequences, especially in the older population. It should be included in the academic curricula of medical students and other healthcare professions and continuous medical education for healthcare workers. A comprehensive approach to traditional, complementary, and integrative healthcare should be part of every individual's right to health. Homeopathy is used worldwide, and as early as 1999, the European Parliament and the World Health Organization (WHO) called for the closer integration of homeopathy into medical practice and "Western medical systems."

Today, more than 300 million people in at least 70 countries use homeopathy, either alone or in combination with other forms of healthcare for their treatment. According to the WHO Report - "WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023," the population also considers homeopathy an easily accessible and affordable medical practice. Regarding Europe, Germany and Switzerland are currently the countries that have best implemented the guidelines of the European Parliament from 1999, integrating homeopathy into their national healthcare systems. In 2019, the German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), definitively voted for the reimbursement of homeopathic remedies by health insurance companies. Homeopathic care is reimbursed by both the German public and private healthcare systems, and doctors also benefit from public and private funding for homeopathic doctors and exclusively private funding for non-medical homeopaths (Heilpraktiker). Switzerland, the first country in Europe to integrate homeopathy into the healthcare system, incorporated this therapy into its system in 2009. It is also one of the European countries where homeopathy is fully covered by basic health insurance.

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