Acute and Emergency Conditions
September 20, 2023
Breast Cancer Patients Benefit from Additional Homeopathic Treatment
February 29, 2024

Chronic Conditions

Homeopathic treatment for chronic diseases involves analyzing the person's constitution, considering their lifestyle, moral and intellectual nature, as stated by Dr. Hahnemann in aphorism 5 of his Organon of Medicine. It is necessary to take a person's history from birth to the present, uncovering how previous illnesses were suppressed by the suppressive action of various symptomatic treatments and how they subsequently changed their course and form.

Through in-depth homeopathic treatment of these chronic diseases, we can prevent the dangerous consequences of suppressing the diseases. We can help the person live a better life, with health. The sublime and sole mission of the physician is to restore health to the sick, to give them complete health. Treating pregnant women can prevent chronic diseases in future generations and create healthier generations. It is often necessary to identify and address obstacles in the healing process, most related to unhealthy diet and lack of exercise in today's times. Therefore, we pay great attention to advising patients to spend more time outdoors, exercise, and consume healthy and nutritionally valuable food. 

Health implies the physical and emotional well-being of an individual, not just the absence of disease or fatigue in a specific part or organ. It is always necessary to seek the cause, consider the whole person and their life, mentally and physically, rather than just the structural changes of the disease. Emotions, such as anger, sadness, envy, etc., should be considered, understanding how they have affected the person in their illness. By conducting in-depth research into chronic diseases in this way, we can treat very appropriately and provide soothing relief to the patient.

Homeopathy has a long history of successful systematic treatment of chronic diseases. If we were to quantify this success in the language of modern science, we would say that evidence from uncontrolled observational studies may provide the best insight into changes in patients who have undergone homeopathic treatment. These studies consistently show that patients clinically improve after homeopathic treatment, often from chronic conditions that are otherwise challenging to cure. Some also highlight areas of potential economic benefit for national healthcare systems, in terms of reduced prescribing of conventional drugs. This is precisely what healthcare providers, patients, and clinicians find most important; not necessarily how well the treatment performs under artificially controlled conditions of a randomized controlled trial (RCT), but the results seen in clinical practice! In Europe, several such studies have been conducted in the UK, France, Italy, and Germany since 1999.

In the Liverpool study of 2001, conducted at the Department of Homeopathic Medicine in Liverpool over 12 months from 1999 to 2000, 1100 patients were monitored, of whom 76.6% reported improvement in their condition since the start of homeopathic treatment, with 60.3% considering their improvement significant. Of these patients, 814 had previously taken conventional drugs for their condition, and 424 [52%] of them were able to reduce or stop conventional drugs during and after homeopathic treatment. The 2003 Survey at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, with 500 participants, showed that many patients were able to reduce or stop taking conventional drugs after homeopathic treatment, with the extent of improvement varying between diagnoses; for example, 72% of patients with skin conditions stated that they could stop or reduce conventional drugs. The 2005 Observational Study at the Homeopathic Hospital in Bristol included more than 6,500 consecutive patients with over 23,000 visits over six years; 70% of monitored patients reported improved health, with 50% reporting significant improvement. The most significant improvements were recorded in childhood eczema or asthma, inflammatory bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, menopausal issues, and migraines.

Furthermore, in a pilot study from 2008, data from 1602 patient visits to all five homeopathic hospitals in the UK were collected over one month. In the second homeopathic visit, a total of 34% of patients reported improvement that affected their daily lives. For patients on their sixth visit, the corresponding improvement rate was 59%. Eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome, menopausal disorders, osteoarthritis, and depression were the "top five" most mentioned conditions.

Confirming the results of the 2005 study, a 2016 review with just under 200 patients conducted at the Homeopathic Hospital in Bristol showed that patients with long-term conditions undergoing homeopathic care experienced statistically significant improvements in their symptoms and well-being.

Results from France, where homeopathy is widely used, and a large study known as the 'EPI3 study,' which followed 8559 patients attending general practitioner clinics between 2008 and 2012, were used to assess the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment. The authors of this study include Lucien Abenhaim, the French chief health officer (chief surgeon), and individuals from prestigious academic institutions such as the Pasteur Institute in Paris, the University of Bordeaux, and McGill University in Montreal.

Key findings of the EPI3 project:

Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in patients treated by general practitioners trained in homeopathy were clinically as good as those treated with conventional medicine but used fewer conventional drugs.

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) - Patients treated with homeopathy were clinically as good as those treated with conventional medicine but used only half the amount of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and had fewer associated side effects.

Sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression (SADD) - Patients treated by certified homeopathic doctors were less likely to be prescribed psychotropic drugs.

Results from Italy, published in 2018 about the twenty-year experience of integrating homeopathy into the public health sector in Tuscany, where complementary medicine (CM), including homeopathy, has been consistently integrated into the public health system of the region since 1996. This includes three main homeopathic clinics in Lucca: the general medicine homeopathic clinic (established in 1998), the women's homeopathic clinic (established in 2003), and the CM and diet clinic in oncology (established in 2010). After 20 years of this 'real' clinical experience, collecting observational longitudinal data on 5877 patients and twenty studies published in peer-reviewed journals, the results are clear: homeopathy and CM are recognized as valuable tools to meet the needs of the Tuscan population, which, in turn, has received effective and long-lasting homeopathic service at an affordable price.

From Germany, two studies are available, one comparing conventional and homeopathic care from 2005, commissioned by the German health insurance company to determine whether coverage of homeopathic treatment should continue. It evaluated the value of homeopathy in treating chronic conditions typically seen in general practice. 493 patients (315 adults, 178 children) treated by general practitioners received either conventional medicine or homeopathy. The study found that patients in the homeopathy group reported greater improvement than the conventional medicine group (p=0.002) without a significant difference in cost.

Another German study from 2008 investigates the long-term health benefits of homeopathic treatment, as expected given the homeopathic causative and holistic approach to the patient. This study followed over 3500 adults and children receiving routine homeopathic care from their chosen general practitioner with additional homeopathic training for eight years. At the beginning, 97% of participants had a diagnosed chronic condition, with 95% of them receiving chronic conventional therapy for their condition. The severity of their illness significantly decreased between the start of the study, after 2 years, and after 8 years of homeopathic treatment. Importantly, after 8 years, the figures were almost identical to those after two years of follow-up, indicating the maintenance of long-term health benefits even 8 years after the completion of homeopathic treatment.

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September 20, 2023

Acute and Emergency Conditions

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Pain Management Through a Homeopathic Approach

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Women's Health

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Teenagers, Adolescents, and Young Adults

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Babies and Young Children

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Mental Health

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