(You Ask Us): Can Homeopathy Help With...?

The long-term benefit of homeopathy for the patient lies in the fact that it not only alleviates existing symptoms but also restores internal order at the deepest levels, ensuring a lasting cure.

Prof. George Vithoulkas

Hahnemann taught that there are no diseases, only sick individuals. The human being is a complete entity in which no organ in the body is isolated by itself. The patient must be treated as a whole, and the disease will spontaneously be cured. He said: "Treat the patient, not the disease."

Individualization is the process in homeopathy through which everyone is considered based on their unique, characteristic symptoms that differentiate them from other patients suffering from the same pathology/disease.

Let's assume that in the same family, three people contract the flu with its usual symptoms - high fever, dry cough, and general fatigue. Of these three flu-infected individuals, one person is thirsty, the other is not. The first is irritable, and the third feels many fears. One wants to be alone, and the other needs company! 

The first has severe muscle pain, the second has joint pain, and the third feels pain deep in the bones.

In the homeopathic approach to the diseased organism, we don't have a magical formula for the flu or any other disease, but what we have is a carefully elaborated approach to each individual diseased organism that helps us get to know it, understand it, and ultimately apply a unique homeopathic preparation that will gently, quickly, and durably restore the organism to a balanced state. Or, as Dr. Hahnemann wrote more than 200 years ago in the 2nd aphorism of his Organon: " The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles."

Holistic healthcare remains a great attraction. The best doctors turn to homeopathy. There is a mood for holistic healthcare. There is a mood to move from a life full of stress to a life without stress.

Narendra Modi

As much as the process of individualization contributes to building the doctor-patient relationship by alleviating natural fears and anxieties in patients, it is crucial primarily to understand the functioning and cellular defense mechanisms of each individual organism in a diseased state, as well as the consequent differentiation among homeopathic remedies. However, the therapeutic effect comes exclusively from the proper application and action of

carefully selected individualized homeopathic remedies.

Therefore, we will now present several different age groups and the most common conditions in them for which people seek homeopathic relief with a brief overview of the homeopathic approach to the human organism in acute and chronic conditions.

September 20, 2023

Chronic Conditions

Homeopatsko liječenje kroničnih bolesti, podrazumijeva analizu konstitucije osobe kao cjeline, uzimajući u obzir njen način života, moralnu i intelektualnu prirodu, kao što navodi dr. Hahnemann u […]
September 20, 2023

Acute and Emergency Conditions

Glavna karakteristika akutnih bolesti je njihova sklonost samoizlječenju. Imaju odredište i stoga definiran početak i kraj, sa ili bez liječenja konvencionalnim ili homeopatskim lijekovima. U slučaju […]
September 20, 2023

Pain Management Through a Homeopathic Approach

Bol kao simptom tj., kompleksno neugodno osjetilno i emocionalno iskustvo povezano s oštećenjem/ozljedom tkiva se uspješno tretira homeopatskim lijekovima, koji u skladu s homeopatskom doktrinom u […]
September 20, 2023


Općenito govoreći, stres je obrazac emocionalnih i fizičkih reakcija neke osobe koje prati subjektivan osjećaj preopterećenosti i koje nastaju kao reakcija na određene događaje. Različiti ljudi […]
September 20, 2023

Older Adults

Istraživanje na uzorku od 3981 osobe starije od 70 godina s kroničnim zdravstvenim tegobama među kojima su prevladavale hipertenzija i nesanica, a koje su liječili homeopatski […]
September 20, 2023

Women's Health

Homeopatija je grana medicine koja podržava i pomaže tijelu da normalizira i pomladi svoj hormonalni sustav. Hormonalni sustav održava vlastitu ravnotežu, no kada je izvan ravnoteže […]
September 20, 2023

Teenagers, Adolescents, and Young Adults

U ovoj dobi homeopatija može pomoći u stanjima kaop što su akne, PMS i bolne mjesečnice, kod emocionalnih problema povezanih s prvim zaljubljivanjima i razočarenjima u […]
September 20, 2023

Sports people

Homeopatija je učinkovit način pomoći u oporavku od sportskih ozljeda. Brojni vrhunski top, te još brojniji, oni malo manje top 😊, sportašice i sportaši  širom svijeta […]
September 20, 2023

Male Health

Zdravlje muškog reproduktivnog sustava je odraz cjelokupnog zdravstvenog stanja, tj. doživljaja izvorne snage, životnosti, optimizma, stremljenja realizaciji postavljenih ciljeva i osjećaja uspješnosti i prosperiteta; sve to […]
September 20, 2023

School Children

Bilo da se radi o prvom susretu sa školom ili povratku natrag u školske klupe nakon ljetnog raspusta, ovaj je prijelaz obično bezbolan i djeca su […]
September 20, 2023

Pregnant Women and Mothers

Uz svu suvremenu skrb koja je trudnicama i mladim mamama na raspolaganju, uloga metoda komplementarne medicine kako dodatne skrbi u olakšavanju i liječenju brojnih stanja koja […]
September 20, 2023

Babies and Young Children

Rano djetinjstvo je idealno vrijeme za prvi kontakt djeteta s homeopatijom jer se imunološki sustav razvija. Ne samo da homeopatija može pomoći kada je dijete bolesno, […]
September 20, 2023

Mental Health

The aim of homeopathic treatment is to understand an individual's mental suffering comprehensively, considering both its psychological and physical expressions. This involves characteristic symptomatology, especially that which includes so-called strange, rare, and unusual symptoms ... […]