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September 18, 2023

Homeopathy and Mental Health

The aim of homeopathic treatment is to understand an individual's mental suffering comprehensively, considering both its psychological and physical expressions. This involves characteristic symptomatology, especially that which includes so-called strange, rare, and unusual symptoms, about which the homeopath already has a broad knowledge and understanding from homeopathic pathogenetic trials. 

Mental health, encompassing emotional, psychological, and social well-being, involves the way we think, feel, act, cope with stress, relate to others, and make decisions. Good mental health means being generally capable of thinking, feeling, and reacting in ways that align with how you want to live your life.

Homeopathy professionally addresses mental health by selecting a homeopathic remedy based on homeopathic laws and principles, with continuous dynamic monitoring and analysis. The goal of homeopathic treatment is to understand an individual's mental suffering comprehensively, considering both its psychological and physical expressions, particularly characteristic symptomatology that encompasses strange, rare, and unusual symptoms. For instance, a homeopathic physician, through symptom analysis obtained from anamnesis and heteroanamnesis, will differentiate whether the totality of the patient's characteristic symptoms corresponds to one of the numerous and commonly used homeopathic remedies for enhancing mental health. Some of these include Aurum metallicum, Kalium bromatum, Aconitum napellus, Argentum nitricum, Lachesis mutus, Hyoscyamus niger, Veratrum album, Datura stramonium, Arsenicum album, Atropa belladonna, Delphinium staphysagria, Ignatia amara, Thuja occidentalis, Gelsemium sempervirens, Carcinosinum, Natrum muriaticum, Sepia officinalis, Phosphoricum acidum, Pulsatilla pratensis, Anacardium orientale, Cannabis indica, Agnus castus, Cimicifuga racemosa, Calcium carbonicum, Lycopodium clavatum, Sulphur, Coffea cruda, Natrum sulfuricum, Kali phosphoricum, Phosphorus, and many others.

All homeopathic remedies are derived from substances of natural origin, highly diluted, so it is well known that these substances, in homeopathic doses, have no adverse/harmful effects and are completely safe to take, including infants and young children, the elderly, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Since homeopathic remedies are highly individualized, prescribed for the person with a "diagnosis" rather than for a "diagnosis" in people, the same homeopathic remedy may not necessarily help two people with the same "diagnosis." Therefore, it is advisable to consult an experienced homeopathic physician who will prescribe the most suitable homeopathic remedy based on the unique combination of all your symptoms.

Several studies have been conducted to assess the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies in treating mental disorders. For example, a clinical study published in 2016 in the Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy pointed to the positive role of homeopathy in managing schizophrenia in patients aged between 20 and 60 years, who were resistant to previous antipsychotic treatments. Patients receiving antipsychotics continued to take them under the supervision of a psychiatrist along with newly introduced homeopathic remedies. The homeopathic remedies that yielded the best results in treating this group of patients were Sulphur, Lycopodium, Natrium muriaticum, Pulsatilla, and Phosphorus.

Patients with anxiety, insomnia, and depression consulting general practitioners who prescribed homeopathic remedies reported lower use of psychotropic drugs and were more likely to experience clinical improvement than patients who were only under conventional care. These are the results of a large epidemiological study published in the British Medical Journal in 2012, known as the EPI3 study on the population. The study was conducted in France from 2008 to 2012, analyzing data from 8559 patients attending general practitioners' offices with an additional certification in homeopathic medicine.

The results of another study, a double-blind and placebo-controlled one, published in 2014 in the Indian Journal of Homeopathy and Ayurvedic Medicine, suggest that homeopathic therapy can be used as an effective method for treating anxiety and depressive disorders. In this study, 30 patients aged between 22 and 67 years received either a homeopathic remedy or a placebo over a period of 16 weeks. To assess the effectiveness of treatment, pre- and post-therapeutic tests and questionnaires were used, revealing that the group receiving homeopathic remedies had significantly lower levels of anxiety and depression than the placebo group.

Homeopathy helps heal and strengthen the highest and most important level through which a person functions – the mental one. Good mental functions enable us to think, explore, and fulfill the purpose of life, as beautifully described by Dr. Hahnemann in the 9th paragraph of his Organon of Medicine: "In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force, the dynamis that animates the material body (organism), rules with unbounded sway and maintains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations and functions, so that our indwelling, reason-gifted mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.

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September 18, 2023

Homeopathy and Women's Health

Homeopathy is a branch of medicine that supports and helps the body normalize and rejuvenate its hormonal system. The hormonal system maintains its own balance, but when it is out of balance, it can cause significant emotional and physical suffering. The menstrual cycle is at the center of the female body ... […]