A study conducted on a sample of 3981 individuals aged over 70 with chronic health conditions, predominantly hypertension and insomnia, treated by homeopathic practitioners in primary healthcare institutions in Germany and Switzerland, and published in BMC Geriatrics in 2010, revealed that their symptoms consistently improved with the introduction of homeopathic remedies, and these benefits were sustained over 24 months.
For the long-term treatment of older individuals with chronic conditions, homeopathic medical therapy is considered favorable and safe. Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic, with no risk of overdose. Patients in homeopathy are treated holistically, and medications are tailored to each person rather than the disease. With homeopathy, the immune system of older individuals becomes stronger, reducing the likelihood of developing infectious conditions. It also aids in preparing for surgery and postoperative recovery, as well as in controlling symptoms of depression, dementia, and insomnia.
Some of the most commonly used homeopathic remedies in this age group include Arsenicum album, Carbo vegetabilis, Ignatia amara, Lycopodium clavatum, Stannum metallicum, Antimonium tartaricum, Alumina, Ambra grisea, Conium maculatum, Rhus toxicodendron, Baryta carbonica, Phosphoricum acidum, Aurum metallicum, Opium, Arnica montana, Hypericum perforatum, Chamomilla vulgaris, Agnus castus, Anacardium orientale, Baptisia tinctoria, and numerous others.