In the realm of modern care available to pregnant women and new mothers, the role of complementary medicine methods as additional support in easing and treating numerous conditions affecting this vulnerable population is significant. Among these methods, homeopathy stands out as extremely safe for both mothers and babies due to its gentle and minimal doses. However, no homeopathic remedy is used for specific conditions without considering the entire organism, as well as the emotional and mental picture.
Even before pregnancy, homeopathy can aid in conditions related to infertility and a tendency toward miscarriages. During the early and later stages of pregnancy, it can address issues such as nausea, vomiting, anemia, malnutrition, emotional problems, as well as various other conditions like headaches, fungal infections, urinary issues, fatigue, digestive problems, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, bleeding, and hypertension. Some of the commonly used homeopathic remedies in this phase include Cocculus, Ipecac, Cantharis, Sabina, China, Pulsatilla, Ignatia, Mercurius, Thuja, Apis, Sulphur , etc.
During the preparation for childbirth and active labor, several homeopathic remedies are of great assistance. Among them, the most well-known and frequently used are Caulophyllum and Cimicifuga, Pulsatilla, Aconitum, Arnica, along with many others. In postpartum care, homeopathic remedies help in healing wounds, perineal tears, bruises, connective tissue injuries, strains, placental expulsion, preventing excessive bleeding, inflammation of breast gland tissue, and other infectious conditions. They also address postpartum mood changes, depression in mothers, and various conditions in newborns, from inflammation to colic and milk intolerance, jaundice, rashes, inconsolable crying, and insomnia: Calendula, Hypericum, Bellis perennis, Sabina, Belladonna, Phytolacca, Staphisagria, Sepia, Agnus castus, Carbo vegetabilis, China, Hepar Sulfuris, Arnica, Aconitum, Opium, Camphora, Phosphorus, Chamomilla, Chelidonium, Sulphur, Silicea, are just a few of the many homeopathic remedies used for over two centuries, proven to be safe and effective. Like many natural health practices, homeopathy is extremely gentle but acts promptly when applied correctly.
Following the guidance of a qualified homeopath, its application cannot harm you. With so many potential benefits, you may consider establishing a relationship with a homeopath as an addition to your standard family medical care. Moreover, numerous European pharmacies offer ready-made "pregnancy, labor, and postnatal kits" containing 18-36 commonly indicated, gentle, and effective homeopathic remedies for use before, during, and after childbirth, along with a manual for safe self-application. If you are unsure, you can always seek professional help.